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쿠버네티스 20

Kubernetes Deep Dive - (1). 구성요소

Why Kubernetes Docker Container의 Orchestration Tool 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션을 배포하는 등, manage 작업을 자동화할 수 있는 오픈소스 도구 주어진 제약조건에 맞게 컨테이너를 클러스터 노드에 배포하는 것 Health Check + Healing. 특정 노드에 문제가 있을 경우 자동으로 조치 rolling updates / rollbacks. 서비스 downtime 없이 배포가 가능하며, 문제 있을 경우 롤백도 용이함 storage 시스템을 붙이기도 편리하며 Secret 관리도 지원함. Architecture of Kubernetes 기본적으로는 Master - Slave 아키텍처. Master Node: Cluster Management의 핵심이자, admin..

K8s-Native Serverless Framework - kubeless 정리

cf. kubeless는 2021년 12월을 끝으로 maintain이 종료되었다. 아무도 관리하지 않는 오픈소스라는 의미. 프로젝트 경로도 vmware-archive로 이동된 것을 확인할 수 있다. https://github.com/kubeless/kubeless GitHub - vmware-archive/kubeless: Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework. Contribute to vmware-archive/kubeless development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com 혹시라도 이 포스트를 검색해서 들어왔다면, kubeless라는 프레임워크보다..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-4. ConfigMaps and Secrets

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-3. Rolling Update

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-2. AutoScaling

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-1. ReplicaSet

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-4. Basic Kubernetes Objects

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-3. Introduction to Kubernetes Objects

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-2. Kubernetes Architecture

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-1. Container Orchestration

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..