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학습일지/Knative 11

Knative의 Eventing Prometheus 고쳐서 동작하게 만들었던 히스토리

Knative Eventing을 활용해서 CloudEvent 기반 event-driven 구조를 도입해 서비스 간 결합도를 낮추는 작업을 하고 있던 중 knative 진영에서 개발 중단된, prometheus query를 주기적으로 호출해서 CloudEvent를 생성하는 프로덕트를 찾았다. 조금만 고쳐쓰면 사용할 수 있을 것 같아서 수정했고, 지금은 잘 사용 중이다. 무얼 고쳐서 어떻게 동작하도록 만들었고, 쓰려면 어떻게 해야 하는지를 기록으로 남기기 위한 포스트. 원본 https://github.com/knative-extensions/eventing-prometheus GitHub - knative-extensions/eventing-prometheus: Prometheus integration wi..

KnativeCon 2022 NA - Taming Thousands of Knative Services for Thousands of Users

KnativeCon 2022 NA - Taming Thousands of Knative Services for Thousands of Users 발표자료: https://knativeconna22.sched.com/event/1AGbT/taming-thousands-of-knative-services-for-thousands-of-users-martin-henke-norman-bowing-ibm KnativeCon North America 2022: Taming Thousands of Knative Services for... View more about this event at KnativeCon North America 2022 knativeconna22.sched.com https://youtu.b..

Serverless Practitioners Summit 2019 - How Knative Uses Concurrency and RPS

How Knative Uses Concurrency and Rps (Requests per Second) For Autoscalinghttps://youtu.be/hpOJHpn3z_M2019년의 발표이므로, 기록하는 현재 2023년과는 달라진 점이 있다. 발표자료: https://spsna19.sched.com/event/Wb35/how-knative-uses-concurrency-and-rps-requests-per-second-for-autoscaling-tara-gu-ibm Serverless Practitioners Summit North America 2019: How Knative Uses Concurrency and Rps (Re...View more about this event at Se..

KnativeCon 2022 - How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Times in Knative

KnativeCon 2022 - How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Times in Knative https://youtu.be/fv-TkMOM0bk 발표자료: https://knativeconeu22.sched.com/event/10EqD/how-fast-is-faas-reducing-cold-start-times-in-knative-paul-schweigert-carlos-santana-ibm KnativeCon Europe 2022: How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Ti... View more about this event at KnativeCon Europe 2022 knativeconeu22.sched.com Knative Se..

KubeDay 2022 - Distributed Tracing Integration with OpenTelemetry and Knative

KubeDay 2022 - Distributed Tracing Integration with OpenTelemetry and Knative https://youtu.be/48uWe9Y3CwQ James Falkner Technical Product management and marketing for hybrid platform product (Openshift, Jboss) Redhat Daniel Oh Developer Advocate / CNCF Ambassador. Focused on k8s, serverless, serviceMesh / cloud-native runtime Redhat Production level 수준으로 knative에서 openTelemetry 적용하는 방법을 설명하는 영상..

KnativeCon 2022 NA - Achieving a highly Available / Scalable Multi-Tenant Eventing backend - Eventing Scheduler

Achieving a highly Available / Scalable Multi-Tenant Eventing backend 영상: https://youtu.be/PKuUXaDl7w0 발표자료: https://knativeconna22.sched.com/event/1AGbi/achieving-a-highly-available-and-scalable-multi-tenant-eventing-backend-architecture-in-your-serverless-products-ansu-ann-varghese-aleksander-slominski-ibm 발표자 Ansu Varghese : IBM Senior SW Engineer within Hybrid Cloud Research. 현재 knative의 pul..

DevNation Day 2020 - Knative Backstage (how autoscaler actually works)

Knative BackStage - how autoscaler Actually works https://youtu.be/sh9mfUExX9o Paul Morie. Serverless Engineering team at RedHat 일반적으로 Serverless 하면 Function as a Service나 AWS Lambda를 떠올린다. 그 정도 full experience를 다루는 건 아니고 Enabling core technology / concept를 다룬다고 보면 됨. Knative Serving: Scaling Application on-demand. Knative Eventing: working with events that are emitted by different sources. Knat..

Knative Series 4 - Eventing Deep Dive

Knative Eventing Deep Dive https://youtu.be/XEkctUsVl5I 강연자: Ahmed Abdalla Redhat Openshift serverless team 소속. knative eventing 담당 cf. 이 강의를 끝까지 들어보면, github 소스코드를 따로 보여주지 않는다. 강의에서 사용한 github 레포도 따라가보고 강연자 @devguyio 의 깃허브 링크를 확인했지만, 이 실습에 사용한 yaml코드는 없었다. Knative Eventing이란 무엇인가. 뜯어보려면 꽤 복잡한 구조. 미리 정의하고 출발하자면 Opinionated way of building Event Driven Architeucture / Event Driven Application usi..

Knative로 배포한 애플리케이션의 동작과정

외부의 요청이 External Load balancer로 들어온다. 해당 요청은 Ingress Gateway (Istio)로 포워딩된다. istio gateway의 목적은 'destination Service'로 요청을 전달하는 것. k8s에서 애플리케이션을 실행하려면 몇 가지 리소스가 필요하다. Deployment -> it creates a ReplicaSet that creates pods. Horizontal Pod Scaler -> ensure the correct number of Replicas is running. Service -> other pod에서 Access하기 위한 통로. Ingress Gateway to Service -> 클러스터 외부에서 접근하기 위한 경로. kn servi..