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학습일지/Knative 13

Knative의 Eventing Prometheus 고쳐서 동작하게 만들었던 히스토리

Knative Eventing을 활용해서 CloudEvent 기반 event-driven 구조를 도입해 서비스 간 결합도를 낮추는 작업을 하고 있던 중 knative 진영에서 개발 중단된, prometheus query를 주기적으로 호출해서 CloudEvent를 생성하는 프로덕트를 찾았다. 조금만 고쳐쓰면 사용할 수 있을 것 같아서 수정했고, 지금은 잘 사용 중이다. 무얼 고쳐서 어떻게 동작하도록 만들었고, 쓰려면 어떻게 해야 하는지를 기록으로 남기기 위한 포스트. 원본 https://github.com/knative-extensions/eventing-prometheus GitHub - knative-extensions/eventing-prometheus: Prometheus integration wi..

knative eventing github 코드 분석

https://github.com/knative-extensions/eventing-github GitHub - knative-extensions/eventing-github: Github integration with Knative Eventing.Github integration with Knative Eventing. Contribute to knative-extensions/eventing-github development by creating an account on GitHub.github.com  knative eventing 활용해서다양한 외부 이벤트 (webhook)를knative broker 또는 knative service로 전달하는 작업을 하기 위해knative eventing 진영..

KnativeCon 2022 NA - Taming Thousands of Knative Services for Thousands of Users

KnativeCon 2022 NA - Taming Thousands of Knative Services for Thousands of Users 발표자료: https://knativeconna22.sched.com/event/1AGbT/taming-thousands-of-knative-services-for-thousands-of-users-martin-henke-norman-bowing-ibm KnativeCon North America 2022: Taming Thousands of Knative Services for... View more about this event at KnativeCon North America 2022 knativeconna22.sched.com https://youtu.b..

Serverless Practitioners Summit 2019 - How Knative Uses Concurrency and RPS

How Knative Uses Concurrency and Rps (Requests per Second) For Autoscalinghttps://youtu.be/hpOJHpn3z_M2019년의 발표이므로, 기록하는 현재 2023년과는 달라진 점이 있다. 발표자료: https://spsna19.sched.com/event/Wb35/how-knative-uses-concurrency-and-rps-requests-per-second-for-autoscaling-tara-gu-ibm Serverless Practitioners Summit North America 2019: How Knative Uses Concurrency and Rps (Re...View more about this event at Se..

KnativeCon 2022 - How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Times in Knative

KnativeCon 2022 - How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Times in Knative https://youtu.be/fv-TkMOM0bk 발표자료: https://knativeconeu22.sched.com/event/10EqD/how-fast-is-faas-reducing-cold-start-times-in-knative-paul-schweigert-carlos-santana-ibm KnativeCon Europe 2022: How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Ti... View more about this event at KnativeCon Europe 2022 knativeconeu22.sched.com Knative Se..

KubeDay 2022 - Distributed Tracing Integration with OpenTelemetry and Knative

KubeDay 2022 - Distributed Tracing Integration with OpenTelemetry and Knative https://youtu.be/48uWe9Y3CwQ James Falkner Technical Product management and marketing for hybrid platform product (Openshift, Jboss) Redhat Daniel Oh Developer Advocate / CNCF Ambassador. Focused on k8s, serverless, serviceMesh / cloud-native runtime Redhat Production level 수준으로 knative에서 openTelemetry 적용하는 방법을 설명하는 영상..

KnativeCon 2022 NA - Achieving a highly Available / Scalable Multi-Tenant Eventing backend - Eventing Scheduler

Achieving a highly Available / Scalable Multi-Tenant Eventing backend 영상: https://youtu.be/PKuUXaDl7w0 발표자료: https://knativeconna22.sched.com/event/1AGbi/achieving-a-highly-available-and-scalable-multi-tenant-eventing-backend-architecture-in-your-serverless-products-ansu-ann-varghese-aleksander-slominski-ibm 발표자 Ansu Varghese : IBM Senior SW Engineer within Hybrid Cloud Research. 현재 knative의 pul..

KubeCon 2022 Europe - Create your first CNCF Serverless Workflow Project with Kogito and Knative

Create your first CNCF Serverless Workflow Project with Kogito and Knative선요약Kogito: Redhat에서 진행중인 knative serving / eventing 컴포넌트의 조합을 묶어 workflow를 구성해 주는 프로덕트사용자에게서 json / yaml 형태의 선언형으로 input을 받고, 주어진 값을 토대로 quarkus을 활용해서 knative object를 만들어준다추후에는 low code 형태로도 개발해서 소스코드를 입력하지 않고도, 비개발자도 사용할 수 있는 방향을 구상하고 있다고 함. CNCF Serverless Workflow project - KogitoCNCF Sandbox incubating project로, DSL to..

DevNation Day 2020 - Knative Backstage (how autoscaler actually works)

Knative BackStage - how autoscaler Actually works https://youtu.be/sh9mfUExX9o Paul Morie. Serverless Engineering team at RedHat 일반적으로 Serverless 하면 Function as a Service나 AWS Lambda를 떠올린다. 그 정도 full experience를 다루는 건 아니고 Enabling core technology / concept를 다룬다고 보면 됨. Knative Serving: Scaling Application on-demand. Knative Eventing: working with events that are emitted by different sources. Knat..