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Coursera 19

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS (3). Processing Data in the Data Lake

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Processing Data in the Data Lake Data Prep and AWS Glue Jobs Data Ingestion in raw format. 사용하고자 하는 목적에 맞게 da..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS (3). Ingesting the River

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Ingesting the River Use the right tool for the job Data categorizing: 필요할 때 원하는 데이터를 정확히 찾아내기 위해 필요함. 사용자의 ac..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS (3). AWS Data-related Services

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org AWS Data Related Services 다양한 AWS Service를 일종의 모듈 개념으로 조합해서 Data Lake를 구성할 수 있다. 핵심 컴포넌트 위주로 먼저 보고, 해당 컴포넌트의 ..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS (3). Introduction to Data Lakes

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Introduction to Data lakes Data Lake가 필요한 대표적인 시나리오는 아래와 같다. 예컨대 startup의 System Administrator라고 가정해보자. 목표는 E..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Architecting Solutions on AWS (2). Designing a solution following account governance and management best practice

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Customer #4 - requirements 모든 서비스가 하나의 AWS Account (prod account) 내에 구성돼 있음. divide big single account into s..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Architecting Solutions on AWS (2). Designing a hybrid solution for container based workloads on AWS

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Designing a hybrid solution for container based workloads on AWS Customer #3 - requirements 전체 workload의 절반은 ..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Cloud Technical Essential (1). Compute & Networking

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Computing EC2 EC2 : Elastic Compute as a Service. AMI (Amazon Machine Image) : how you want your image to be ..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Cloud Technical Essential (1). Overview and Security

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org 기본적인 infra 구조 for Redundancy Availability Zone (AZ) : Low-latency, high-speed link로 연결된 여러 개의 데이터센터의 집합. 하나의 ..

Architecting with Google Compute Engine - Design Process ch4. Presentation Layer

Presentation Layer Overview Presentation Layer : 사용자와 시스템 간, business logic, stored service 간 데이터 flow를 말한다. 간단히 말해 Networking. Presentation Layer : Network Configuration Networking 에서 가장 중요시해야 할 건 Location. 이게 latency 차이를 만드는 핵심이기 때문. Distributed network일수록 outage tolerance가 강해지지만, round trip time is slower between distant elements 문제 때문에 performance limitation은 반드시 존재한다. 미국 - 유럽 간 통신은 1초당 최대 6..

Architecting with Google Compute Engine - Design Process ch3. Data Layer

Data Layer Overview Storage / retrieval of data를 다루는 영역. Storage / retrieval 영역인 database / file system뿐만 아니라 access method; SQL and API 등등을 포함한다. 하지만 transport of data는 다루지 않음. (Into, around, out of the system) transportation 부분은 presentation layer module에서 다룬다. Data Layer Design : Classifying and Characterizing Data 사용자 입장에서 중요한 건 Data integrity. Underlying tech에는 관심 없고, data loss / data corru..