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serverless 6

Google Cloud Summit 2023 Seoul - Cloud Run으로 Fast, Scalable, Durable 앱 구축하기

Google Cloud Customer Engineer 권신중님. CloudRun: 완전관리형, 컨테이너 기반 애플리케이션 배포 / 운영 / 확장을 위한 서비스. 인프라 고민 필요없음. CloudRun 소개 크게 두 가지 형태로 쓰임. Service / Job. Service: public / private한 웹사이트 또는 Endpoint url endpoint 제공 autoscale 기준은 크게 두 가지 (or 조건으로 동작함) cpu 기준. default 60% request 개수 (concurrency) - default 80. canary deployment (traffic split) based on revision HTTP, WebSocket, gRPC, Event 등 다양한 조건으로 트리거 ..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Architecting Solutions on AWS (2). Designing Serverless Data Analytics on AWS

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Designing a serverless data analytics solution on AWS Customer #2 - SW House Customer Requirement 현재 S3 Stati..

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Architecting Solutions on AWS (2). Designing Serverless Web Backend on AWS

https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/aws-cloud-solutions-architect AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services에서 제공합니다. Start here to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Gain the skills and knowledge to design architectural solutions on ... 무료로 등록하십시오. www.coursera.org Designing a serverless web backend on AWS Solution Architect가 되었다고 가정하고, customer의 요구사항에 맞게 어떤 AWS Service를 어..

KnativeCon 2022 - How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Times in Knative

KnativeCon 2022 - How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Times in Knative https://youtu.be/fv-TkMOM0bk 발표자료: https://knativeconeu22.sched.com/event/10EqD/how-fast-is-faas-reducing-cold-start-times-in-knative-paul-schweigert-carlos-santana-ibm KnativeCon Europe 2022: How Fast is FaaS? Reducing Cold Start Ti... View more about this event at KnativeCon Europe 2022 knativeconeu22.sched.com Knative Se..

DevNation Day 2020 - Knative Backstage (how autoscaler actually works)

Knative BackStage - how autoscaler Actually works https://youtu.be/sh9mfUExX9o Paul Morie. Serverless Engineering team at RedHat 일반적으로 Serverless 하면 Function as a Service나 AWS Lambda를 떠올린다. 그 정도 full experience를 다루는 건 아니고 Enabling core technology / concept를 다룬다고 보면 됨. Knative Serving: Scaling Application on-demand. Knative Eventing: working with events that are emitted by different sources. Knat..

K8s-Native Serverless Framework - kubeless 정리

cf. kubeless는 2021년 12월을 끝으로 maintain이 종료되었다. 아무도 관리하지 않는 오픈소스라는 의미. 프로젝트 경로도 vmware-archive로 이동된 것을 확인할 수 있다. https://github.com/kubeless/kubeless GitHub - vmware-archive/kubeless: Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework. Contribute to vmware-archive/kubeless development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com 혹시라도 이 포스트를 검색해서 들어왔다면, kubeless라는 프레임워크보다..