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학습일지/클라우드 43

Architecting with Google Compute Engine - Design Process ch3. Data Layer

Data Layer Overview Storage / retrieval of data를 다루는 영역. Storage / retrieval 영역인 database / file system뿐만 아니라 access method; SQL and API 등등을 포함한다. 하지만 transport of data는 다루지 않음. (Into, around, out of the system) transportation 부분은 presentation layer module에서 다룬다. Data Layer Design : Classifying and Characterizing Data 사용자 입장에서 중요한 건 Data integrity. Underlying tech에는 관심 없고, data loss / data corru..

Architecting with Google Compute Engine - Design Process ch2. Business Logic Layer

Business_logic Layer Design OverView Business Logic = code that implements business logic (Computer Science에서의 정의) that determines what happens to data. = processing. Ex) 비행기 티켓 예매라고 하면, 예매 인터페이스가 앱이건 키오스크건 상관없이 ‘티켓 예매’라는 데이터 처리는 동일하다. 이게 business logic. Microservices = specific kind of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -> leverages small, stateless processing for improving scalability and res..

Architecting with Google Compute Engine - Design Process ch1. Defining Service

Design and Process 실제로 How to start, utilize a design and process the follows the best practices. 강의 구성 Lecture, introducing architect concepts and principles. Application of those principles to a real world design Related application problem. Compare it with standard solutions Lecture 1. Defining the Service Overview Automated Deployments are the foundation of SRE and design process. 강의보다는 lab ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-5. Service Binding

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-4. ConfigMaps and Secrets

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-3. Rolling Update

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-2. AutoScaling

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch3-1. ReplicaSet

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-4. Basic Kubernetes Objects

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-3. Introduction to Kubernetes Objects

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..