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IBMCloud 17

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-2. Kubernetes Architecture

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch2-1. Container Orchestration

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch1-4. Docker Container Registry

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

[IBM Cloud 강의번역 프로젝트] - ch1-3. Building Container Images

IBM Cloud 1기 활동 - 강의번역 프로젝트. 원본 강의 cognitiveclass.ai/courses/kubernetes-course Kubernetes and containers on IBM Cloud - Free Kubernetes course by IBM Cognitive Class About this course Containers and Cloud Native are the most significant invention in IT since the introduction of virtualization. Everyone from a small startup to a large multinational corporation is transitioning to this technology ..

IBM Cloud의 Hands-on Training - lab.cognitiveclass.ai

IBM Clouders 1기 활동. 구글 클라우드 플랫폼은 자사의 클라우드를 활용해 다양한 서비스를 실습할 수 있는 환경을 제공한다. Coursera 교육 콘텐츠의 hands-on Lab으로도 활용하고, 여러 서비스를 묶어 하나의 실습 프로그램을 만든 뒤 유료로 제공하기도 한다. https://www.qwiklabs.com/ Qwiklabs - Hands-On Cloud Training Qwiklabs provides real cloud environments that help developers and IT professionals learn cloud platforms and software, such as Firebase, Kubernetes and more. www.qwiklabs.com IBM ..